Legal Music Mp3 Converter and Downloader

Since several years, the music industry says the same thing: P2P file-sharing networks exponentially distribute pirated music around the globe through the Internet. This constitutes copyright violation. This means, in English, that I am a criminal because I downloaded Tori Amos’ track via Kazaa and listen to it now. So far, so good. It’s also quite true.

The real issue isn’t that people don’t want to pay money for music. I often sample music from the Internet prior to purchasing CDs. If I enjoy the majority of an album, then I will probably buy it. This is what the radio does when it plays music. The difference, however, is that it has become insanely easy for me to acquire almost-as-good-as-original quality mp3s of any track that I want to listen to, and even if I don’t pay a dime, no one is there to catch me.

Accountability has disappeared. What would the most rational person do when they see that two different ways are available to obtain the same item, and by giving up a “little” bit of quality, you could get it free, without paying a penalty? Most of us don’t think about our social responsibility in such trivial matters. P2P networks make it easy to find music on the Internet youtube converter. Copy-protection algorithms used by the major recording companies on their CDs are often a few steps behind what is available today. Efforts to stop ‘ripping of DVDs and CDs’ have also been ineffective.

Music downloads are legal. In spite of the limited amount of legal music that is available for free, many labels and artists are now offering a paid-per-download service. You can download individual tracks and complete albums after making a purchase online. There are varying limits on personal usage, but you’re free to use it however you like.

The development of new technologies is changing how people use and perceive music. With the advent of iPods and mp3 players, more people have become accustomed to carrying their entire music collection with them. The latest models offer space for up to 10,000 songs. Record companies are facing a potentially terrifying future. The industry is concerned that CDs are quickly going out of fashion. As technology advances, so will consumer preferences for the most appropriate’medium.

Audio CDs were the best way to listen to music until a few short years ago. This was a reason why record labels encouraged people to “buy rather than steal” (download). Today’s digital formats are of high quality, which means that the audio quality can be comparable and even equal to CDs. Experts are predicting that CDs may be history within the next decade as digital music evolves to the point where our music library (hopefully purchased) will be available wherever we choose: at home, work, on the beach, or even in our cars. This is an important threat for traditional businesses, especially when paired with audio quality promises and reality.

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